The Bridge to Gender Equality Project is pleased to introduce you to Heather van Munster (she/her) who is one of our Advisory Committee Members.
What are you most passionate about?
Empowering women to be relentless in their pursuit of exploring their full potential.
Who is your greatest role model?
“The Notorious RBG”- Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Jacinda Ardern immediately come to mind in response to this question. However, there are SO many extraordinary people in this world doing extraordinary things that are not famous, privileged or in a position of power that I deeply admire and respect. When I look within my personal and professional network, I am inspired by the everyday people who do small things each day that have a big impact in our community and around the globe.
Within my WIL network alone, I am surrounded by role models who are continually inspiring positive change in all facets of life. The list of these individuals who have helped shape the person I am today is too extensive to list here, so I will leave you with the qualities within these people that have inspired me to explore my full potential.
They have a drive for greatness.
They lead with kindness, empathy, and compassion.
They advocate for what’s right.
They have a commitment to serve, mentor and support those in need.
They have a progressive mindset.
They know their worth.
They have the ability to overcome obstacles.
They show us that anything is possible through heart and hustle.
What is your greatest accomplishment in your career trajectory?
Earning a Premier’s Award in recognition for Organization Excellence on a multi-year project that was successfully deployed across the Province of BC was certainly a highlight on my career accomplish reel, however, finding my seat at the Women in Leadership Foundation table has helped to anchor my purpose beyond my career which is something I will always be incredibly grateful for.
What advice would you give to new or emerging leaders who are building their careers?
Show up. Listen. Learn. Share. Network. Lift others as you rise.
What do you think is the biggest challenge for the next generation?
Beyond climate change, social and human rights issues, geopolitical tensions, and other major challenges cycled on the news, I want to bring light to the gender disparities we continue to face.
That said, with every challenge, come an opportunity. This is where the light pours in. This is where WIL steps in. Imagine a world where we have true gender equality - in our homes, in our communities and in our systems. When I think of individuals being freed of their labels and stereotypes, navigating their purpose and passions without having to fit in to whatever mold society has set out for them, it brings me immense joy as I know the world would simply be a better place. When I think of a world where women join men in senior leadership roles and decision-making positions tackling all of those major challenges listed above, I think of how some of the atrocities we see on the news simply wouldn’t happen. Having diverse representation in decision-making positions not only brings new perspectives, ideas, and solutions, it actually shifts how we think about the challenge at hand, leading to a new path forward.
As I wrap up this interview, I want to leave you with a word I recently learned - “Ubuntu” which translates to “I am, because you are”. It speaks to the fact that our sense of self is shaped by our connections to those around us. Ubuntu is the capacity in African culture to embrace the well-being of others through relationships grounded in caring, empathy, harmony, and humanity. This word captures the concept of connectedness and is at the heart of my why for all that I do and all that I am.
Heather van Munster is a compassionate and empathetic leader with a natural ability to facilitate, coordinate and synergize teams. Her affiliative leadership style inspires action and focuses on collaboration, clear communication, creating harmony and cultivating strong feelings of trust and togetherness.
She is deeply keen on bridging the connection between personal wellness and professional success with a constant craving for knowledge to better serve others.
“The impetus for becoming a Board member for WIL was stemmed from my drive to be a part of the collective consciousness to change corporate culture by creating workplaces that work for women. I want to further explore the unique yet universal challenges women in business have faced and are overcoming. I want to learn from other women leaders who demonstrate strong leadership through the lens and heart of a women. Ultimately, I want to bring women together, empower each other and encourage all women to be relentless in their pursuit of exploring their full potential. We need to teach the next generation that women’s socially constructed “weaknesses” are actually our strengths. The world needs our resilience, empathy & intuition” – Heather van Munster
About Heather van Munster
Heather van Munster is a compassionate and empathetic leader with a natural ability to facilitate, coordinate and synergize teams. Her affiliative leadership style inspires action and focuses on collaboration, clear communication, creating harmony and cultivating strong feelings of trust and togetherness.
She is deeply keen on bridging the connection between personal wellness and professional success with a constant craving for knowledge to better serve others.
“The impetus for becoming a Board member for WIL was stemmed from my drive to be a part of the collective consciousness to change corporate culture by creating workplaces that work for women. I want to further explore the unique yet universal challenges women in business have faced and are overcoming. I want to learn from other women leaders who demonstrate strong leadership through the lens and heart of a women. Ultimately, I want to bring women together, empower each other and encourage all women to be relentless in their pursuit of exploring their full potential. We need to teach the next generation that women’s socially constructed “weaknesses” are actually our strengths. The world needs our resilience, empathy & intuition” – Heather van Munster
To learn more about the Bridge to Gender Equality Project, go HERE.